Balinese Sambal Matah


This regional specialty is ubiquitous in the island of Bali. You will find this condiment to be very unique and versatile with its fresh citrusy note that goes well on just about everything.

Balinese Sambal Matah
(Traditional raw lemongrass sambal)

Servings: 4 to 6 servings


4 stalks of lemongrass
4 Thai Bird's eye chilis ( store remainder chilis in the freezer for future use)
2 shallots
4 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon salt
¼ cup coconut oil
2  Kaffir Lime leaves
1 tsp Shrimp paste (I prefer Blachan / Terasi powder)
1 lime juiced


Finely slice lemongrass, super thin about 1/16”.

Roughly chop shallots and thai bird's eye chili.

Put all together in one bowl, add salt and mix with your hand to gently massage the salt in.

Heat up coconut oil and add shrimp paste and cook until it’s fragrant about 1 minute.

Pour over the lemongrass mixture and add kaffir leaf to steep in the hot oil. Let it sit, add lime juice and ready to be consumed when cool.